IV. Apprenticeship with Foundation-Funded Terrorists: Ayers and Dohrn 179
to accuse that person of suffering from a “status panic.” Hofstadter’s work boils down to the idea
that politics is a morass of fear, hatred, provincial ignorance, and insanity, and that the only thing to
do is to support the Establishment and its existing order at all costs. Inevitably, Hofstadter had been
a communist, but he insulted Franklin D. Roosevelt by dismissing him as “The Patrician as
Opportunist.” Conservative commentator George Will once described Hofstadter as “the iconic
public intellectual of liberal condescension,” who “dismissed conservatives as victims of character
flaws and psychological disorders — a ‘paranoid style’ of politics rooted in ‘status anxiety,’ etc.
Conservatism rose on a tide of votes cast by people irritated by the liberalism of condescension.”^65
Hofstadter, like so many pompous professors, was little more than a paid apologist of the financier
ruling class.
And even such ideas as Hofstadter had were not really original, since most of them came from
the 19th century French sociologist Emile Durkheim. Durkheim’s critique of religion is based on an
idea drawn from Feuerbach that God’s kingdom is merely the projection into eternity and theology
of the existing social relations in a given human group. Durkheim taught that God was “society
divinized,” that “God is society, writ large.”^66 Here again there was a very strong overtone that
anyone in the position of a critic, a naysayer, an outsider, a maverick, or a protester was an example
of social pathology rather than being a valuable corrective to the undeniable abuses of a failing
Most importantly, Obama’s Bittergate comments documented that once again his deep hatred for
the American working class, a hatred which constitutes the first and central point in the
Fanon/Weatherman political doctrine: blue-collar white workers are racist, warmongering
“honkies” who have been bought off by capitalist concessions and integrated into the system so that
no revolution, but only bloody race war, remains possible. This concept, in turn, is congenial to the
bosses of the foundations, and to the US financier oligarchy in general, since it happens to coincide
so totally with their plan for a campaign of savage austerity, draconian reductions in the standard of
living, and related genocidal policies against US working people as a means of dealing with the
current world economic and financial depression. Jimmy Carter was of course a useful tool to the
Trilateral bankers, but his effectiveness was sometimes undermined by the qualms, reticence, and
second thoughts suggested by the Christianity he professed. With Obama, there is no such danger;
quite the contrary, Obama will bring to his appointed task a ferocious criminal energy which will
help him to attempt to flay the American people alive.
The dominant component controlling Obama in terms of his policies and tasks is, as we have
stressed, the Trilateral Commission, founded with Rockefeller family money by David Rockefeller
and Zbigniew Brzezinski, Carter’s controller and Obama’s top political director. In a general way,
Obama can be accurately described as a controlled asset of the Rockefeller family and its allies. The
Rockefeller apparatus of political and social manipulation which is sponsoring Obama has been
around for a long time – more than a century. For them, manipulating elections is nothing new. The
University of Chicago is a long-standing center for Rockefeller subversion. As we have seen, the
University of Chicago 1313 gang was set up with the help of the Spelman Fund, a foundation
created in December 1928 by the outrageous robber barons and sociopathic monopolists John D.
Rockefeller and John D. Rockefeller Jr., the great-grandfather and grandfather of today’s fanatical
Obama backer Senator John D. “Jay” Rockefeller IV of West Virginia. The Spelman Fund got $10
million 1928 dollars from the Laura Spelman Rockefeller Memorial, which were to be used for
social engineering in favor of financier interests in the field of child study, “parent education,” race