266 Barack H. Obama: The Unauthorized Biography
fantastic design for permanent world domination, even as they flay the American people alive by
forms of austerity and sacrifice that will reduce the standard of living to perhaps one half or one
third of the current depressed levels. This is what Obama means when he pontificates about his
future regime: “I know I haven’t spent a lot of time learning the ways of Washington, but I’ve been
there long enough to know that the ways of Washington must change.” (Quoted in “Raising
Obama,” Todd Purdum, Vanity Fair, March 2008)
The necessary fuel for this monstrous and cynical project is money, money in vast quantities.
De l’argent, encore de l’argent, toujours de l’argent. During the 2008 primaries, Obama
distinguished himself from most of the other candidates by his unparalleled hypocrisy on precisely
this score. Obama has tried to portray himself as an opponent of corruption, a candidate of good
government and clean government, a foe of the preponderant role of money in political campaigns,
a supporter of campaign finance reform and strict ethics requirements for government officials, and
as the implacable enemy of lobbyists, pork barrel spending, and earmarks of all sorts. But, upon
closer examination, this entire profile is revealed as a chimera, an illusion, a mirage. Obama bids
fair to become the most corrupt presidential candidate of all time. This is a corruption that goes far
beyond even the horrendous practices of the Alsammarae-Auchi-Rezko axis which we have already
discussed. The phalanx of plutocratic financier interests which is now uniting around the
figurehead candidacy of Obama reaches from Chicago to Wall Street for London and far beyond,
and includes some of the wealthiest banks, investment banks, brokerage firms, defense contractors,
and law firms in the entire world.
During the primaries, Obama had promised that he would find a compromise with Senator
McCain so as to allow the fall presidential campaign to be governed by the public financing rules of
the Federal Elections Commission, with each candidate pledging to use only public funds and to
respect the various rules inherent in the system. This commitment by Obama was one of the most
essential and qualifying parts of his entire campaign. In June 2008, however, Obama pompously
announced that this promise was no longer operational, and that he would become the first
candidate in United States history to reject the public financing system for the fall campaign, and
would rely exclusively on the contributions that he would gather from the backers. This showed,
for anyone who was still keeping score, that Obama is a liar and a scoundrel.
Obama’s hypocrisy and duplicity concerning campaign finance reform are matched by his
deceptive public pledge never to receive campaign contributions from lobbyists. Here, once again,
the Perfect Master is duping his gullible following. Obama knows very well that, in a law firm that
has lobbying the federal government as one of its primary objectives, the number of registered
lobbyists is generally a limited minority of the lawyers who own the firm. There are always lots
and lots of other partners, to say nothing of administrators, and even clerical personnel, plus
innumerable spouses, children, and other relatives who can be coerced into contributing $2,300
each to the Obama campaign. Indeed, it is clear enough that many such law firms make
contributions in this sort a condition for keeping one’s job in the first place. This practice is known
as bundling, and it makes a mockery of the austere limits to fundraising which Obama is so fond of
parading in his inimitable self-righteous way. If we were able to determine the amount of cash that
Barky has raked in at law firms and others engaged in lobbying, using the broad definition to
suggest that, we would probably find that Obama is the all-time champion when it comes to cashing
in with lobbyists.