VIII: “Our Souls Are Broken” - Michelle Obama, Postmodern Fascist Ideologue 303
Just as Lenin praised Mussolini from afar, all kinds of extremist political movements today have
shown a fascination with Obama, if only because of the promise he holds out to them that the US
will soon undergo a huge and crippling internal convulsion. One such admirer is President Danny
Ortega of Nicaragua, the radical-chic former Sandinista leader who was infamous for making his
shopping trips to procure designer sunglasses into his top priority, at international conferences
where he was supposed to be working for his country and people. If Danny Ortega survives today, it
is manifestly because he has made his deal with the CIA and has accepted the status of a radical
asset operating under anti-US cover within the bounds marked out for him by the State Department.
On February 14, 2008, Danny Ortega endorsed Obama, saying that the senator’s presidential bid is
a “revolutionary” phenomenon in the United States:
“It’s not to say that there is already a revolution under way in the U.S. ... but yes, they are
laying the foundations for a revolutionary change,” Ortega, described Obama as a spokesman
for the millions of Central American and Mexican citizens who migrate to the U.S., and said he
has “faith in God and in the North American people, and above all in the youth, that the
moment of great change in the U.S. will come and it will act differently, with justice and
equality toward all nations.”
The radical chic Ortega is out of touch. US Hispanics, except those on the foundation payroll,
have no love for Obama.
Obama also has the endorsement of the New Black Panther Party. ‘His website has a link to the
“New Black Panther party which has endorsed his run for the Presidency. From the website: “Why I
support Barack Obama: Barack Obama represents “Positive Change” for all of America. Obama
will stir the “Melting Pot” into a better “Molten America.”’^157 This endorsement was expunged
during one of the frequent Orwellian purges which Barky has to carry out from time to time as he
morphs from one political profile into another.
If fascism is coming to the United States, the corrupt corporate media must bear a good deal of
the responsibility. During the 2008 primaries ordinary Americas, especially women, became aware
as never before that the television networks are not news organizations, but rather purveyors of
mass brainwashing. Reporters became the lightning rods for outbursts of popular rage:
ABC’s Kate Snow tells me that members of the public often bear down on her when they see
her TV mike, cursing her out as a stand-in for Tim Russert, even though he is at NBC. “They
feel we’re the people taking her down,” she said. (Tina Brown, Newsweek, 17 March 2008)
This was before the death and canonization of Russert, who was nothing more than another
sleazy propagandist among many. As a result of the media vilification of Senator Clinton, the
potential for a resistance to fascism on the part of women has surely increased: ‘Cynthia Ruccia,
a grass-roots political organizer in Columbus, told me that in these last beleaguered weeks,
women started showing up in waves at Clinton headquarters—women who told her they had
never volunteered in a campaign before. “There was just an outpouring about the way she was
being treated by the media,” Ruccia said. “It was something we hadn’t seen in a long time. We
all felt, as women, we had made a lot of progress, and we saw this as an attack of misogyny that
was trying to beat her down.”’ One leading exponent of New Age and other irrationalism for
consumption by women is Oprah Winfrey, whose ratings fell precipitously after she had