308 Barack H. Obama: The Unauthorized Biography
find that this technique of dodging questions (the recent archetype of which is the Jimmy Carter
malaise speech on energy policy of July 1979) is rooted in the mental dynamics of megalomania
Responding to this exchange, Larry Johnson pointed out:
If someone was accusing my wife of saying something racist that was not true, and you asked
me in public, I would say emphatically and clearly, “it is not true.” So what is Barack’s problem. ...
Huh? Are you kidding me? If it ain’t true say so. But when a politician tap dances on nuance–Baby
it is true. My sources have not backed off. They maintain they have a tape and will drop it on the
Dems in the fall. Now if Barack said, “No, and hell no” I would be wondering about my sources.
But he punted. He went for the weasel word. The non-denial denial.^166
So, as the summer wore on, the Michelle Obama “hate whitey” rant continued to hang over the
Obama campaign like a sword of Damocles. Would it appear in September or October? Or would
the Trilateral-Bilderberg scandal machine destroy McCain first?