316 Barack H. Obama: The Unauthorized Biography
Obama’s Wall Street backers. This will be done under left cover – through a global warming tax, a
third world solidarity tax, and other demagogic frauds, with the revenue going to bail out Goldman
Sachs, Citibank, and JP Morgan Chase. The tired, discredited post-9/11 “war on terror” slogans will
be largely dumped. Most interesting is that Obama’s sound bytes are actually a sloganized version
of a key passage from Zbigniew Brzezinski’s recent book Second Chance: Three Presidents and the
Crisis of American Superpower.^169 This book contains Zbig’s desperate strategy for preserving the
crisis-ridden US-UK world empire, including by making the US “social model” more attractive to
developing sector publics. Zbig writes:
In mutually compounding ways, material self-indulgence, persistent social shortcomings, and
public ignorance about the world increase the difficulty the American democracy faces in
formulating a globally appealing platform for effective world leadership. Americans must
recognize that their patterns of consumption will soon collide head-on with increasingly
impatient egalitarian aspirations. Whether through the exploitation of natural resources,
excessive energy consumption, indifference to global ecology, or the exorbitant size of houses
for the well-to-do, indulgent self-gratification at home conveys indifference to the persisting
deprivations of much of the world. (Just try to imagine a world in which 2.5 billion Chinese and
Indians consume as much energy per capita as Americans do.) That reality the American public
has yet to assimilate. To lead, America must not only be sensitive to global realities. It must
also be socially attractive. That calls for a broader national consensus in favor of correcting the
key failings of the American social model.
Obama has thus unmasked himself as the exterminating angel of super-austerity dictated by the
elitist Trilateral bankers’ clique. Will he cut the current US standard of living by 40%? By 50%?
When he does, will he still call it the politics of hope? The rhetoric recalls the malaise of the earlier
Trilateral puppet and austerity fanatic Jimmy Carter, but it goes much further. Is every American
child to be put on rations, like Oliver Twist, and forbidden to ask for some more? Obama is eager
for this kind of cruelty. Obama has been trained to hate the American people through two decades
of association with hate-mongers like Reverend Wright, Bill Ayers, Bernardine Dohrn, and
Brzezinski himself. For Rockefeller and Soros, Obama’s hatred of the American people is a positive
guarantee that he will enforce Wall Street’s austerity decrees with a vengeance. Forget the utopian
platitudes and the messianic rhetoric: Obama’s real economic program is now clear for all to see. It
is a path that leads to genocide against the US population, among others.
Obama’s Oregon outburst also needs to be read in the light of earlier unguarded statements by
Michelle Obama, who, as we have seen, has said at various times in her stump speech: “...before
we can work on the problems, we have to fix our souls - our souls are broken in this nation. If we
can’t see ourselves in one another, we will never make those sacrifices....We need a different
leadership because our souls are broken. We need to be inspired...to make the sacrifices that are
needed to push us to a different place.... The change Barack is talking about is hard, so don’t get
too excited because Barack is going to demand that you too be different.” Here the theme of
purification and redemption by means of sacrifice and economic austerity is clearly conveyed. Now
Barack has begun to fill in the details.
Insiders have long recognized that Zbigniew Brzezinski (helped by his son Mark) owns and runs
Obama. David Ignatius has pointed to Second Chance as a scenario for a future Obama
administration. Ignatius commented over a year ago: “Zbigniew Brzezinski has written a new book