Introduction: Obama from the Ford Foundation to the Trilateral Commission 7
are qualitatively distinct, and set Obama apart from all of his competitors in a way that we can only
ignore at our own very great peril.
The only way to conduct a satisfactory analysis of the Obama agitation is to use a class
standpoint, rather than a racial criterion or an outlook based on gender. Obama is an operative for
the finance oligarchs. The Democratic Party bureaucracy is supporting Obama and opposing
Senator Clinton because this is the decree of Wall Street, the Trilateral Commission, the
Bilderberger group, the Ford Foundation, Skull and Bones, the Chicago School, the Council on
Foreign Relations, and other ruling class institutions. The Democratic Party bosses like Howard
Dean and Donna Brazile are not supporting Obama because they care about what happens to black
voters. The Democratic Party has proved repeatedly that it cares nothing whatever about the fate of
black voters. At the same time, it is very naïve to assume that the explanation for the slander
campaign of the controlled corporate media against Hillary Clinton is that the media whores for
Obama are motivated by misogyny and hatred of women. That may be a factor in individual cases,
but the main reason the controlled media are vilifying Senator Clinton is that they have been
ordered by their Wall Street paymasters to do so. The main issues in this contest are class issues,
and not racial or gender issues. Blue-collar working-class voters are not generally opposed to
Obama because of race, but rather because they can sense in his elitism and condescension that he is
a candidate loyal solely to the dictates of the financiers.
The phalanx of right-wing radio commentators who call themselves conservatives is attempting
to portray Obama as an ultraliberal, “the most liberal senator in the Democratic Party,” according to
a study produced by National Journal. This is a very weak, tired, unconvincing way to deal with
Obama, and it is ultimately a loser. This is not very scary, and to do justice to the horrifying reality
of the Obama threat, it ought to be very scary indeed. To say that Obama is a liberal, as Rush
Limbaugh incessantly does, is to say that he is just more of the same, from the same tired old
playbook of Walter Mondale and Michael Dukakis. If Obama is just the latest liberal and there is
nothing new under the sun, then ho-hum. This approach fatally underestimates how radically
different and how extremely dangerous Obama really is. Sean Hannity does a little better with his
mantra of “Stop the radical.” But it soon turns out that this means radical liberal, which is also not
going to launch a thousand ships against Obama.
The first instinct of most right-wingers is to look at Obama’s middle name of Hussein, and
perhaps at his Moslem father and step-father and at his time in school in Indonesia, and announce
that Obama is a Moslem. But this will hardly do. Obama’s father and step- father were united not by
the Koran, but rather by their shared devotion to Johnny Walker, which increased as they got older.
And if Obama himself were a secularized Moslem, so what? Voters have a right to know Obama’s
religious history in full detail, but there is no religious test for office. But Obama is something very
sinister indeed. Obama himself is either an atheist, or much more likely a Satanist of the apostate
Jeremiah Wright-James Cone-black liberation theology school, a Christian heresy which places
racist hatred instead of charity at the center of its edifice of faith. Wright is ultimately the high priest
of a death cult. Obama is, more precisely, an existentialist fascist made of equal parts 1969
Weatherman race war theory and Frantz Fanon’s cult of violent Third World rebellion. This is what
low-income blue collar voters in West Virginia have understood far better than all the effete snobs
who profess postmodernism at Harvard.
The other approach is to paint Obama as a Marxist and communist, in the Cold War McCarthyite
tradition. Here is an article by Dana Milbank, a decadent member of Skull and Bones who frequents
the Keith Olberman Grand Guignol propaganda show on MSNBC-Obamavision, also known as the
Brzezinski network. Milbank is a cynical cataloguer of the politically grotesque. The following is