Getting Things Done

(Nora) #1

Getting Started: Setting Up

the Time, Space, and Tools

IN PART 2 we'll move from a conceptual framework and limited
application of workflow mastery to full-scale implementation and
best practices. Going through this program often gives people a
level of relaxed control they may never have experienced before,
but it usually requires the catalyst of step-by-step procedures to
get there. To that end, I'll provide a logical sequence of things to
do, to make it as easy as possible for you to get on board and glean
the most value from these techniques.

Implementation—Whether Ail-Out or
Casual—Is a Lot About "Tricks"

If you're not sure you're committed to an all-out implementation
of these methods, let me assure you that a lot of the value people
get from this material is good "tricks." Sometimes
just one good trick can make it worthwhile to range
through this information: I've had people tell me, for
example, that the best thing they got from my two-
day seminar was advice on setting up and using a
tickler file. Tricks are for the not-so-smart, not-so-
conscious part of us. To a great degree, the highest-
performing people I know are those who have
installed the best tricks in their lives. I know that's

It is easier to act
yourself into a
better way of
feeling than to feel
yourself into a
better way of
—0. H. Mowrer
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