Sustainable Urban Planning

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triple bottom line Engaging in and accounting for an economic-social-
environmental balance between development and conser-
vation. The ‘environmental’ context includes resources,
and the ‘social’ context includes cultural and political

urban The fractalcomponents within human settlements which
link or cohere to provide a cityscape. In spatial terms most
of the geographically occupied urban space is suburban –
given over to human habitation in automobile-accessed
households. In functional terms urban places mostly
importfoodstuffs and fibres, minerals and energy, and
exportheat, gaseous wastes, sewage, stormwater, and
solid wastes. Urban communities evoke conceptually
complex loyalties and loathings (Jackson’s Maps of
Meaning, 1989).

WTO World Trade Organization. An outgrowth from Bretton
Woods, the Uruguay Round, and GATT attempting the
almost impossible: non-tariffed trade between poor and
wealthy (and democratic and not-so-democratic) nations,
protecting the environment, and safeguarding differenti-
ated worker rights.

Glossary xvii
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