Kant: A Biography

(WallPaper) #1

5io Notes to Pages 419-422

  1. Wasianski, Kant, p. 269: the German words are "Geduld, Sanftmut und Nachsicht."
    Especially the word "Nachsicht" seems revealing to me. It suggests that caring for
    the brother was difficult at times.

  2. Jachmann, Kant, pp. 20if.

  3. Compare pp. 5-6 of this volume.

  4. Wasianski, Kant, p. 276.

  5. Jachmann, Kant, p. 211, speaks of "a nervous stroke" {Schlagfluß). This stroke
    probably had little to do with Kant's constipation, a permanent feature of his
    old age.

  6. Scheffner, Briefe von und an Scheffner, II, p. 426.

  7. Scheffner, Briefe von und an Scheffner, II, p. 423.

  8. Reusch, Kants Tischgenossen, p. 10.

  9. Äußerungen über Kant, pp. 28f. (Malter, Kant in Rede und Gespräch, p. 475).

  10. Wasianski, Kant, p. 263.

  11. Wasianski, Kant, p. 277.

  12. Jachmann, Kant, p. 209.

  13. Hasse, Merkwürdige Ausserungen, p. 48 (Malter, Kant in Rede und Gespräch, p. 584).

  14. Wasianski, Kant, p. 287.

  15. Wasianski, Kant, p. 290 (Malter, Kant in Rede und Gespräch, p. 592). Malter gives
    February 11, 1804, as a date for the incident.

  16. Jachmann, Kant, p. 212.

  17. Wasianski, Kant, p. 291.

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