Kant: A Biography

(WallPaper) #1


Abegg, Johann Friedrich, 391-92, 423^ Baczko, Adolph Franz Joseph, xi, 65, 207,
Abel, Jacob Friedrich, 311, 49011159 211-13, 314, 44on22, 4751191-2, 475n97,
Abicht, Johann Heinrich, 5O2m86 49ini8o
Academy of Sciences of St. Petersburg, 379 Bailleu, P., 495n31
Adams, Samuel, 4631140 Balk, Norman, 4321147
Adiaphora, 69 Barcklay, David, 157
Adickes, Erich, 176—78,4Ö7ni32-33,496 Basedow, Johann Bernhard, 45, 206, 207,
Agethen, Manfred, 495^1 227-28, 394, 474n7i, 474^4
Albertina (University of Königsberg), 61, 65, Baumeister, Friedrich Christian, 109,132,
66, 211, 359; academic regulations, 100, 452^4
105, 162, 438n8, 438n9—10; academic Baumgarten, Alexander Gottlieb, 91,103,
schedule, 108, 4521131; admission, 62; 108, 109, 124, 129, 130, 139, 141, 162,
English philosophy at, 442n66; history 211, 447ni36, 447ni4i, 448ni4i,
of, 26; history of philosophical faculty, 45ini3, 452^4, 457ni34
67; and Kant (course of study), 61, 63; Baumgarten, Christoph Friedrich, 67
reputation, 66 Bayer, O., 4711141
Allgemeine Literaturzeitung, 297, 360, 363 Bayle, Pierre, 83, 85, 121, 391
Allison, Henry, 147, 46m7, 48oni5, 486^2, Beattie, James, 252, 318
497n92, 499ni5o, 5ooni5i, 5ooni57 Beck, Hamilton, 437ni2S, 437ni27, 479ni76,
Altmann, Alexander, 453n57, 478ni55, 5O4ni6, 5O4n2O
489ni35 Beck, Jacob Sigismund, xi, xx, xxi, 109, 183,
American Revolution, 155, 340, 374, 400 275-76, 39°> 413, 424ni6, 5O7niO4,
Ameriks, Karl, 451, 468ni33,469ni5o 5O7mo8, 507m 12—13, 508m 17
Ammon, Christian Friedrich, 63,76,77, 79, Beck, Lewis White, 21,450—51m, 4Ö7ni33,
81, 443n8i 468ni3Ö, 47On6, 472n42,477ni34
Andersch, Daniel, 96-97, 449m 55 Beiser, Frederick, 48gni35, 49oni6o,
antiskeptical interpretation, of Kant, 262—64 493n24i
Archenholz, Johann Wilhelm von, 4Ö2n35, Berens, Johann Christoph, 118—20, 123,
465^0 455n98
Aristotelianism, 67, 73, 74, 75, 77, 85, 136, Bergk, J. A., 389
442ri42, 445nno, 499ni5o Bering, Johann, 318
Aristotle, 38,48, 73, 243, 413,442^3 Berkeley, George, 178, 251-53, 255-67,
arithmetic, 38, 46, 48, 50, 55,109, 243, 4811147
438n2 Berlin Academy, xvii, xix, 21, 98, 122, 136,
Arnoldt, Daniel Heinrich, 72, 113 376, 378, 447ni38; Preisaufgaben, 21
Arnoldt, Emil, 429^2, 44in49, 449ni47, Berlin censorship, 362-65, 374
452n3i, 452n39,4Öoni97, 473^9, Berlinische Monatsschrift, xviii—xxi, 288, 290,
5°3n2 294, 298-99, 301, 306, 340, 351, 363-64,
Aschoff, Frank, 45oni58 371, 394, 403, 5oini84
atomism, 304, 489ni2Ö Bernoulli, Johann, 218—19, 476m 16

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