Awakening the Third Eye

(Barré) #1

  • Repeat the same procedure, but this time the friend should be
    aware both in the eye and around the navel while saying no. Ask
    your friend while saying yes:

  • to be fully aware in the heart, for a minute or so

  • to think of death for one minute

  • to think of a happy thing that could happen in his/her life

  • to become aware of a sad emotion

  • to think of something that usually creates irritation or anger
    Ask your friend to become serene again.
    Don't forget to do a bit of ‘palming’ (applying your palms to your
    closed eyes, figure in section 5.5) at the end of each session, or
    each time you take a short break with your eyes closed.


You can repeat the same exercise while asking your friend to think

  • a loved one

  • someone he/she dislikes

  • someone who is dead
    Various other possibilities will come to your mind as you explore
    the practices. Once you have digested the chapter on ley lines you
    can also watch the aura of your friend while he/she is sitting:

  • on a noxious crossing of earth lines knowingly

  • on a noxious crossing of earth lines unknowingly

  • on an energy well. (If you find a real well, as soon as the person
    stands on it the action on the aura is immediate and quite

7.9 Aura testing

It is also interesting to ask your friend to hold different objects
and substances and to watch the modification of the aura
accordingly. Ask the friend to tune into the object. You can hold
the object in front of the heart, and then in front of other parts
of the body, and see if you notice any difference in the aura.
Here are a few suggestions:

  • a copper vessel

  • a big iron tool (but not one that you hold by a wooden handle!)

  • the tip of a thermometer (which contains the metal mercury)

  • an aluminium saucepan

  • different cans of food

Chapter 7 – Seeing (2)

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