Awakening the Third Eye

(Barré) #1

Let us review and try to understand the benefits that result from
maintaining permanent awareness in the eye.

  • Awareness
    First and most important of all is the awareness itself, as discussed
    above. Whoever is aware is sailing towards the Self. Whoever is
    not, is wasting beautiful opportunities for growth.

  • Centredness
    As shown by the simple experiences at the beginning of this
    chapter, one of the direct results that comes from being in the
    eye is a more centred state of consciousness. In the philosophy of
    yoga (yoga-darśana) there is an important word - vikṣepa. Vikṣepa
    refers to a scattered and spread-out condition of the mind. The
    great seer Patañjali in his classical Yoga-Sūtras (aphorisms on yoga)
    described vikṣepa as one of the major obstacles on the path towards
    spiritual reintegration (Yoga-Sūtras 1:30-31). The more your eye
    develops, the more you will find that you have the capacity to
    maintain a still and silent state of mind at will.

  • An awareness beyond the discursive mind
    The advantage of using the eye for the purpose of awareness is
    that it leads to a vigilance that is beyond the common layer of the
    discursive mind. One of the main pitfalls when you apply yourself
    to a path of awareness is watching your mind with your mind.
    Some people manage to reach a certain awareness of their
    thoughts, but a purely mental one. In other words, each time they
    have a thought, say about their friend Brünnhilde for instance,
    another thought comes up: “I'm thinking of Brünnhilde”. And so
    on. These people often get dissatisfied after some time. They have
    the feeling they are doing all the right things, starting with
    awareness, and yet nothing ever happens. They remain floored in
    their usual mental consciousness. They never experience any real
    breakthrough towards an expanded state of consciousness.
    The reason is obvious. The true aim is the awareness of the Self,
    and not only self-awareness! Manas, the layer of ordinary mental
    consciousness, the one that goes on talking in your head all the
    time, is the main veil between you and the Self. Therefore the
    purpose is to emerge out of the manas-mind into the Self, and not
    to get the manas-mind to mimic a higher awareness by adding
    thoughts after thoughts.
    So it is when you start to watch the mind from outside the mind
    that your awareness becomes spiritually rewarding. And that is

Chapter 9 – Awareness

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