Awakening the Third Eye

(Barré) #1

impression bypasses the eye. Become aware of the processing of all
physical images by the third eye.
Then drop any awareness of the eye. Release your focus. Start
looking at the objects in a usual mental way... and see the
difference. Can you perceive that the vibrations reaching your
head are less subtle?

  • Sounds
    Apply the same method to sounds. Put some music on and first
    spend one minute listening to it without any particular awareness,
    and without focus in the eye. Try to appreciate the quality of
    vibration of what is taken in.
    Then become aware between the eyebrows. Listen from the eye.
    Maintain your focus in a way that the sounds are received in your
    eye. Try to sense the difference in the nature of the vibrations
    that penetrate inside you.

  • Smells
    Now practise with something that stimulates the sense of smell.
    First smell the substance without any particular awareness. Then
    receive the smell from between the eyebrows: smell from the eye.
    How does the input differ when filtered through the eye?

  • Taste
    Start eating a meal without any particular awareness. Then, after a
    few minutes start tasting the food from the eye. In this instance
    the difference in the quality of vibration will be especially
    Then practise more selectively with different tastes and foods.
    Watch and compare the action of sweet, salty, acidic and other
    tastes on your eye, one after another.
    A major discovery will be that when in the eye, you do not
    necessarily appreciate the same foods as when you eat without

9.6 Practice

Practise walking along the street with a complete focus in the eye.
Make sure that any image, sound, or smell is received from your
eye. After a few minutes release your awareness. Receive
everything mentally, without any focus in your eye. Compare the
quality of vibrations inside yourself.

9.7 Practice

Chapter 9 – Awareness

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