Awakening the Third Eye

(Barré) #1

hands (section 4.12). Bathing in rivers and in the ocean is also very
appropriate. In Kundalini-yoga, a form of spiritual practice in
which strong waves of heat may be released, eating yogurt is
sometimes advised to counterbalance the warming of the body.
The combination of work on energy and alcohol consumption is a
dangerous one – this applies to any form of alcoholic beverage. It
opens the door to a whole range of nasty energies and can lead to
disaster. Virtually no form of protection can work efficiently for
someone who drinks alcohol (see section 17.6).

10.6 The breath stops

It is quite common at some stage in your meditation to get the
feeling that the breath stops. Some people tend to get a bit
worried about this. They think: what if my body just didn't start
inhaling again? Actually you don't have to worry, for nobody has
ever died from a natural suspension of the breath. The body knows
exactly what it is doing! You just have to wait a few more seconds,
and normal respiration will resume.
Truly, the time when the breath stops is precious. Everything
stops inside, as in a cosmic standstill. It is an occasion to plunge
deeper into the space and to get in touch with expanded
dimensions of your Self.

10.7 The pressure in the eye becomes uncomfortable

In some cases the pressure in the eye can become uncomfortable,
bordering on a headache.
What happens? A mixture of different factors can be envisaged.

  • You are grasping.
    It has never been suggested that you concentrate on the third eye,
    but just that you keep an awareness of it. Yet it is very easy when
    fighting to remain in the eye to start grasping the eye instead of
    being just aware of it. An unnecessary tension is generated, that
    can turn into a kind of headache.
    So if this happens to you, the first thing to do is make sure that
    you keep a gentle awareness, and do not force anything.

  • The energy is trying to pull you upwards and you are
    unconsciously resisting.
    From time to time as you practise being in the eye, your
    consciousness will be lifted up, from between the eyebrows to
    above the head. This is very natural, and is due to the close
    connection that exists between the third eye and the crown

Chapter 10 – A Few Experiences on the Way

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