Awakening the Third Eye

(Barré) #1
Remain in the position for 1 or
2 minutes.
Relax and lie down again. Become
aware of the vibration activated
in the will centre.
Repeat the sequence a few times,
building up the vibration in the
will centre.

20.16 Practice

Lie down on your back. Practise
strict abdominal breathing (that
is, without any movement of
the chest or of the area of the
clavicles). Have somebody press your abdomen below the navel with
flat hands while you inhale.
Each time you inhale you have to push against the other person's
hands, matching the pressure. When you exhale, all pressure is
released. Go on building the force of your abdominal inhalation.
Remember to make sure the ribcage does not move while inhaling.
Now, exercise or no exercise, if your belly is really blocked, it
needs to be explored through ISIS regression, or another method of
emotional release based on energy. It will save you a lot of time in
your spiritual development and will probably transform your
patterns of relationships and your social life.

Chapter 20 – Protection: Sealing the Aura (2)

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