Chapter 6 – Channel Release 2
6.1 The work on the etheric body
Before resuming our exercises on the channels of the etheric body,
let us dwell on some of the aims of this part of the work. You
must have noticed, and there is nothing surprising about this, that
a strong awareness of the third eye tends to reinforce the
vibration along the channels. The more you are in the eye, the
more you feel the vibration in the meridians. This is very logical
since the eye is the main switch of the body of energy. By
operating the switch, you activate circulations of vibration all over
the body.
But the opposite is also true! When you awaken a strong vibration
in the meridians, you can feel the vibration in your eye better.
Often, just by rubbing your hands and stimulating the tingling
energy in them, an immediate boost can be felt in your eye. The
eye appears more tangible, denser, more ‘crystallised’ and more
There is a profound mechanism behind this simple finding. The
etheric layer is not a bunch of disassociated patches, it is a
coherent layer. It has a unity. All its parts are much more directly
interconnected than the different parts of the physical body.
Because of the fluid nature of the etheric body, any wave of
vibration in one of its parts will resonate with the whole layer. So
when you shake or rub your hands and awaken a strong vibration
in them, the whole of the etheric layer is stimulated and,
therefore, so is the etheric part of your third eye. One of the
results will be a boost to your clairvoyance.
The third eye is made of different parts. One of its parts belongs
to the astral layer, another to the etheric layer. It is only when all
the parts are fully built and communicating with each other that
your clairvoyance becomes reliable. Imagine a one metre long pipe.
If even one millimetre of this pipe is blocked, then neither water
nor air can flow through. You can't even see through the pipe.
This is why, in order to develop your vision of non-physical
realms, it is so valuable to proceed in this work of developing the
etheric body. While implementing the practices on ‘seeing’