Hidden Nature

(Dana P.) #1

Fig. 11.6. River bend formation in plan
and section.
If the river is initially shaded on both banks, the
profile of the channel at section 1-11 will be
symmetrical. The curved line at the top of the
diagram reflects the velocity of flow at each
vertical, increasing from the banks, reaching a
maximum at the centre of the channel.

uppermost vortex train manifesting itself as the familiar backward-
breaking ripples seen on rivers at the surface. This type of vortex also
distributes the lighter weight sediment and the nutrient material
carried by the river from the centre towards the river bank. While
they do increase turbulence, their action is more as a brake to slow
down the flow of the river which might otherwise be too rapid.^4
On the other hand, increasing water temperature often weakens
the longitudinal vortices, the rising turbulence making the trans-
verse vortices more destructive, and the banks may be breached,
causing flooding. The third type of vortex acts vertically towards the
river bed. They may gouge out potholes with a boulder as a grinder,
but can be destructive by bringing radon-type energies from the
ground into the river and projecting them into the immediate envi-
ronment. (Fig. 11.5.).

Vortices as the source of creative energy

The longitudinal double-spiral vortex creates a cold dense flow in
the middle of the vortex structure. This is called the core-water, or
what Viktor termed an 'emulsion because of its particular qualities.
It is the breeding ground for the most vitalizing energies produced
by natural river flow. Finely ground minerals, trace elements and

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