Hidden Nature

(Dana P.) #1
No plant is actually nourished by dissolved matter, but rather
by the nutritive entities of geospheric origin, 'ascended' in a
fourth dimensional state. These diffuse ethericities can enter
the sap-stream only through the root protoplasms, where they
are fertilized by diffuse oxygenic ethericities. The higher out-
birth of this emulsion (ur-procreation) is an ethericity that
belongs to fifth dimension. These concentrations of matter-
energy emit negative, hyper-charged emanations in all direc-
tions and bind the positively-charged ethericities entering
through the skin or the bark. Some of this emulsion solidifies
and whatever is subsequently manifested, is what we call

With these natural methods of fertilization there is therefore much
that we can do to promote healthy and sustainable growth in agri-
culture. With this technology we have the ability to restore the soil,
our only source of wholesome food, to its former state of high pro-
ductivity and fertility, and even to increase it. These means are not
only far cheaper than the use of harmful artificial fertilizers and
noxious pesticides, but they increase both the quantity and quality
of food. Schauberger held that conversion of agricultural practice to
sustainable organic fertility, forestry to biodiversity and water
resources management to take into account Nature's more subtle
processes, would halt the present deterioration both of the environ-
ment and of the human condition.
First we have to understand how Nature works, and accept her
laws. Schauberger's life was devoted to this challenge. Let us hope
that his work will empower people to seek this goal, and to encour-
age the changes needed to change our materialistically oriented
society. In Schauberger's own words:

A free people can grow only from a free Earth. Any people that
violate Mother-Earth have no right to a homeland, because
high-quality races cannot survive in soils destroyed by specula-
tion, i.e. because they are divorced of all connection with the
Earth. Human societies without roots perish. They have to expe-
rience the path of decay until, like unsuitable fertilizers, they
give up their stubborn wills and only then will they be allowed
to start again and re-enter the mighty course of evolution.^13


Fig. 17.4. Viktor's energy exchange
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