Hidden Nature

(Dana P.) #1
Basically, they had different agendas; the Schaubergers, Ger-
chsheimer and Dodd all gave varying accounts of what actually
happened. Gerchsheimer complained that Viktor's explanations of
his theories were unintelligible and suspected that they were flawed.
He gradually came to the conclusion that Viktor would not be able
to deliver what they wanted. Viktor, for his part, rebelled when it was
finally made clear that he must stay for eight years, whereupon he
effectively refused to engage in any further communication.
Only after he and his son had agreed to sign a new contract
(which was not translated into German for them), effectively con-
signing to the consortium all rights to his documents, designs and
models and to any future ideas and inventions, was Viktor allowed
to return to his beloved Austria, a broken man.

A new kind of aircraft?

The Wright Brothers' plane a century ago had wings, a tail fin and
rudders. All our commercial jet aircraft today are built on the same
principles, but are far less fuel efficient, requiring hundreds of times
the energy to push through the atmosphere. More and more power
is expended to counter both the air resistance and the pull of grav-
ity, at quite astronomical costs in terms of materials and develop-
ment. It was to reduce the force of gravity that some of the large
aerospace companies in the U.S.A. were undertaking research in the
early 1950s. One researcher, Townsend T. Brown had designed a
saucer-shaped craft whose weight was significantly reduced by
energizing the skins with massive amounts of electricity and which
happened also to make the craft invisible to radar.
Conventional scientific theory states that certain laws are invio-
lable, like the Second Law of Thermodynamics, Einstein's Theory of
Relativity or the Law of Gravity. We learn this at school, and anyone
who claims otherwise is treated with suspicion or derision.
Researchers now working at the frontiers of science, such as in
quantum physics, are discovering that these laws apply only under
conventional physical conditions, though this is not yet widely
The discovery that the force of gravity can be reduced or even
cancelled has profound implications for humanity. It is as though
we can add another dimension to our world, one that had always
been present, though not in our awareness. For many people


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