he found his inspired vision of working with Nature twisted towards
the military aims of one of the most sadistic regimes of modern
American science could not take seriously someone with no edu-
cation in science. Viktor Schauberger was hardly one to be consid-
ered as a contender for the stakes of space-age innovation. He merely
observed Nature and talked about fish swimming in mountain
streams, yet he was the one who cracked the anti-gravity challenge.
As he himself remarked:
Implosion is no invention in the conventional sense, but
rather the renaissance of ancient knowledge, lost over the
course of time.^15
Fig. 18.5. Cross section through flying
A — 1.2mm thick curved copper sheet, with
central opening seen on Fig. 18.3. Between rilled
plates B & C, air is drawn in due to the
centripulser's high rate of rotation and subjected to
powerful centrifugal and oscillating forces which
cool and condense it. Transforming into water
condenses air 816 times, causing a vacuum which
accelerates the intake of more air. At revolutions of
20,000 rpm, vacuum and densification become
intense, packing the molecules so tightly as to
cause a levitational effect. The living vacuum thus
created changes the atoms into a virtual state,
compressing them back into their original 4th
dimensional formlessness.