difficulty, precisely because it was those in power principally
who committed them. Rather than question themselves,
these institutions and individuals, ever protective of their
own interests, would allow millions of their fellow human
beings to perish before they would ever admit their errors.
A host of so-called experts is lined up against any
systematic attempt to correct these errors. They are obliged to
advocate the course they have championed, because it is their
livelihood and they wish to be looked after until the end of
their days. Yet, even this obstacle might be overcome if the
mistakes could be restricted at least to a particular branch of
industry. A thorough analysis of the most common mistakes
made over the centuries reveals the enormous extent of the
malaise arising from flawed principles and perverse
practices. It reveals such grave cultural, technological and
economic violations that no branch of industry is left
untouched. Not even a partially unaware expert can absolve
himself of blame, whatever his chosen field.
At the outset a powerful opposition must be reckoned
with. It would be futile to expect any support from experts
when, under these circumstances, it is obvious that nearly
every one of them would be threatened. But this obstacle
should cause no alarm, for we are not concerned here with
the livelihood of a few, but with the survival of the whole of
hoodwinked humanity. The attitude of many of our young
people today certainly provides clear evidence that humanity
is still morally healthy. They militate vehemently against the
signs of decay emerging everywhere and refuse to continue to
trot mindlessly down the road... that has led us into an
economic and cultural cul-de-sac.
Opposition alone, however, achieves nothing. Our youth
will achieve any practical success in their struggle only when
the causes are identified and the errors are revealed that
previous generations and we have made, so plunging the
world into disaster.^2
Schauberger wrote often of how balance is one of Nature's most
urgent requirements. He would comment on how humanity is con-
travening Nature's law of balance. Amongst these imbalances are
the enormous inequalities in wealth and opportunity in almost