Hidden Nature

(Dana P.) #1


Abram, David The Spell of the Sensuous. Random
House, 1996; Vintage 1997. (A visionary view of
humans' connection with the Earth and with Nature.)
Alexandersson, Olof Living Water. Turnstone, 1982;
Gateway 1984; Gill and Macmillan, 2002. {Good
accessible portrait of Viktor Schauberger and his ideas
about water; first published 1977 in Swedish.)
Ardui, Jan and Wrycza, Peter The Way of Unfolding
(unpublished ms).
Ash, David and Hewett, Peter The Vortex. Gateway,

  1. (Many superstitions and mysteries may be
    explained in terms of energy. Good introduction to vor-
    tex theory.)
    Backster, Cleve Primary Perception — Biocommuni-
    cation with Plants, Living Foods and Human Cells.
    White Rose Millennium Press, 2003 (or from
    http://www.Sulis-health.co.uk)..) (38 years after the first star-
    tling experiment which demonstrated plants'reaction to
    threats to their well being, this seminal and very readable
    book has finally appeared. It would be impossible to over-
    estimate the importance of this research, for it goes to the
    heart of the basis of life — that all of life is interconnected
    and interdependent, and that all actions have wider conse-
    quences. It lifts a little the edge of the intricate web of life.)
    Bartholomew, Alick The Schauberger Keys
    (Schauberger-books.org.uk). (A summary of Viktor
    Schauherger's worldview, originating as notes made dur-
    ing the writing of Hidden Nature.)
    Baker, Richard St Barbe Dance of the Trees.
    Oldbourne, 1956.
    —, I Planted Trees. Lutterworth, 1944.
    —, My Life, My Trees. Lutterworth, 1970; Findhorn,

  2. (One of the great pioneers of restoring our forests.)
    Bellamy, David 101 Ways to Save the Earth. Lincoln

—, The Bellamy Herbal, Century 2003.
—, Bellamy's New World: Botanical History of
America. BBC 1983; Smithmark 1985.
—, The Changing World: The Forest. Simon and
Schuster Educ. 1991, Lincoln, 1999.
—, The River. Simon and Schuster Educ. 1991,
Lincoln, 1999.
—, The Rock Pool. Random, 1988; Simon and
Schuster Educ. 1991.
—, The Road Side. Random, 1988.
—, How Green are You? Random 1991; Lincoln, 1991.
—Jolly Green Giant. Century, 2002; Arrow 2003.
—, Tomorrow's Earth: A Squeaky-Green Earth.
Courage, 1992.
Bird, Christopher and Tompkins, Peter The Secret
Life of Plants. Harper, 1989.
—, Secrets of the Soil. Harper, 1989. (Two classics in
the area of alternative science.)
Blair, Lawrence Rhythms of Vision. Croom Helm,

  1. (The changing worldview of science.)
    Blossfeldt, Karl Urformen der Kunst. Wasmuth, 1935.
    (Superb photogravure plates of plant growth.)
    Bunyard, Peter The Breakdown of Climate. Floris
    Books, 1999. (Excellent description of how climate
    works and of the human causes of climate change.)
    —, (ed.) Gaia in Action. Floris Books, 1996.
    Burr, Harold Blueprint for Immortality: Electrical
    Patterns of Life Discovered. Spearman, 1972. (A
    classic in its field)
    Carson, Rachel Silent Spring. Houghton Mifflin,
    1962; Collins, 1964. (The book that inspired the envi-
    ronmental movement.)
    Coats, Callum Living Energies. Gateway, 1996; Gill
    and Macmillan, 2001. (The most authoritative study
    of V. Schauberger's research; took eighteen years to write.)

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