Hidden Nature

(Dana P.) #1

Viktor Schauberger came from a background that was rare even
a century ago. Several generations of his family had lived in the
unspoilt Alpine forests. They understood many of Nature's laws.
Viktor's refusal to go to college came from a fear of being indoctri-
nated, as he believed he would lose both his intuition and his abil-
ity to see the magical interconnections within Nature. His natural
ability voluntarily to change levels of awareness was the key to his
singular discoveries of how Nature works. He was able to enter a
more refined state of consciousness, as when he describes how he
let his awareness enter the flowing water in a stream, ready to bring
back intuitions of what the water required for its health.
This book is not about going back to some romantic past, or
about discarding science as a discipline, or technology as a means
of making our lives more effective. It is about, as Schauberger used
to say, 'thinking an octave higher.' Viktor was a supremely capable
scientist, an impeccable observer, a thorough researcher and an
inspired inventor. He also predicted, seventy years ago, the climate
change disasters that we are now experiencing, and the moral and
spiritual collapse of our civilization. But he also, supremely, gave us
the keys to reclaiming our heritage as true guardians of Nature and,
as we shall see, showed us how to repair the damage we have done
to our precious Earth.


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