Hidden Nature

(Dana P.) #1

or petrol. But what is its essence, a process that always seems to be
connected with movement?
When we look up at the fluffy clouds on a summer's day, we
may wonder what they're made of. So wispy and light, each cloud
may contain hundreds or thousands of tons of tiny individual
droplets of water, invisible and in constant motion. A collection
of minute, invisible, weightless things becomes large and visible.
It's a question of density. Our entire universe forms in the same
A material object consists of billions of atoms, each composed
of sub-atomic particles, each of which is a vortex of energy.
Gyrating around each other in vortices, the sub-atomic particles
form heavier particles of energy that become denser, eventually
slowing down to the point where they may become visible or even
Water is a substance that appears in different forms according to
its compactness. In its solid state, as ice, its atomic particles move
the most slowly. As the ice melts, they move faster, need more space
to gyrate or vibrate, creating the less dense form, liquid water.
Heated up, the particles accelerate, requiring more space, and
become steam or the invisible gas, water vapour. Their state and
appearance differ, depending on their expression of energy as
movement or vibration, and its rate of motion is called its fre-
quency. The principles of vibration and frequency determine the
countless energy forms in our world.
The material substance we see is the result of energy setting
up a visible 'blur' by vibrating in and out of a physical state, with
a frequency and density that makes it seem like a static whole.
The forms create an illusion of being solid and static, caused by
countless particles constantly accelerating and then slowing
down enough for us to see them as matter. When you see that all
material objects are composed of atoms and particles in constant
motion, it becomes possible to understand that everything is

The vortex as the key to creative evolution

The vortex is a window between different qualities or levels of
energy. Black Holes can be thought of as vortices linking differ-
ent parts of our universe or even different universes. The vortex


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