Hidden Nature

(Dana P.) #1

Fig. 2.1. Different dimensions or
levels of existence.
Each dimension has a 'veil' at its upper limit
which renders higher levels inaccessible. To a
lesser extent someone of a 'lower' state of
consciousness may be unaware of another in a
'higher state.'

Intuitive or inspired creativity, the level of expanded con-
sciousness sometimes reached by inventors or by people of great
vision, belongs to the fifth and sixth dimensions. It is apparent
that Viktor Schauberger had the ability to tap into this reservoir of
inspiration. All subtle dimensions are present on Earth, interpen-
etrating the third dimension, though we are not normally con-
scious of them.^6 The other animals or humans with raised
consciousness have a wider range of perception. A close relation-
ship with a dog, cat or horse often reveals instances where the ani-
mal is aware of a nonphysical 'presence' which is beyond our own
awareness or which may be a spirit presence. If we lower our con-
sciousness, we feel less ability to control our own lives. If all our
three components of consciousness are being fully used, then we
can experience the full potential of being human, which is the gift
of free will.
We shall not discuss in detail here the important energy shifts
that are occurring on our planet at this time. In line with the idea
that God, or the All-That-Is, seeks constant evolution or expansion
of consciousness, ancient teaching has long predicted that the
Earth and all its inhabitants would graduate from the third to the

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