Hidden Nature

(Dana P.) #1
Without the attraction and repulsion of atoms there would be no
water, no plants, nor chemical compounds. The mutual attraction of
2 x H and 1 x O gives birth to the marvel of water.
We are more familiar with the terms 'positive' and 'negative' than
'male' and 'female' in scientific contexts; as, for example, with elec-
tricity. Of course, positive and negative in this sense are not judg-
mental terms, but opposite poles. Schauberger felt that to use the
terms masculine and feminine was more in keeping with Nature,
which he saw as a living organic system.

Opposites working towards balance

We tend to think of Nature as being chaotic. The reverse is true.
Schauberger discovered that Nature operates according to very
strict laws. One of the most important is that concerned with the
balance between energy polarities, each of which has its particular
manner of expression. Masculine and feminine together make up a
complete human being; one cannot exist without the other, and
each needs the other to be whole. You might think that to be in bal-
ance, masculine and feminine energies need to be about 50/50, as
they nearly are with the distribution of the human sexes.
For the last three thousand years or so human society has func-
tioned in a predominantly masculine mode and is now quite out of
balance. If you consider masculine energy to be represented by
rationality, concern with the physical, forceful, expansive and indi-
vidualistic; and the feminine by a tendency to be inclusive, intuitive,
connecting and compassionate — then most will agree we need a
swing of the pendulum towards the latter.
The natural law about balance is that it must be weighted
towards the feminine for creative growth to proceed. Otherwise
growth (in terms of higher quality) is arrested, and degeneration
takes place. This applies to all the qualities, like:

matter and energy or spirit
chaos and order
yang and yin
positive and negative (not in judgmental terms, more electrical)
egoism and altruism
quantity and quality (a confusion of our present society)


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