Hidden Nature

(Dana P.) #1
essential for the creation and maintenance of all life. Water needs
to flow in a particular dynamic way, and must not become over-
heated. Movement and temperature are the key criteria for water,
and therefore for all life.
Still water is passive; it is amorphous and apparently lifeless. As
soon as it begins to move, it is filled with surfaces that define little
structures, convoluted in form, and with magical vortical shapes.
The nature of water is to move. When it is active it comes alive; in
movement it fulfils its potential, which is to bring life.
When it is immature, water takes, absorbing minerals with a
voracious appetite, to give back the much needed nourishment to
its environment only when mature as a mountain spring. Water has
a memory; when we think we have 'purified' water of the chemicals
and hormones we have mindlessly thrown in, in order to make it
drinkable, the energy of these contaminants remain, polluting our
energy bodies in the same way that chemicals affect our physical
bodies. Because of its nature, water sacrifices itself entirely to the
environment, for good or for bad.
People mocked Viktor when he insisted that water behaves like
a living organism. When it has reached maturity water displays
amazing properties. He showed how, when it is vibrant and
healthy, it pulsates, twists and spirals in a very specific way that
maintains its vitality and purity, enabling it to fulfil its function
for all organisms as an energy channel and a conveyor of nutrients
and waste.
If we watch water streaming down an inclining road after a
shower of rain, or a rivulet on the sloping beach sand towards the
sea, we will notice how it pushes down in a jerky rhythm, as pulsa-
tions. That is because water is alive — it actually does pulsate, just
as blood pulsates through the veins and arteries of the body. But the
most miraculous fact about water is that it has the power of self-
purification, and can restore its generative properties in the same
way that other living things can heal themselves.
In all symbolic traditions, water is linked with the emotions. It is
the emotions that open us out to life, that make us sensitive, recep-
tive and compassionate. Artists love water for its inspiration; it has
the ability to stimulate awareness and imagination. I am fortunate
to live by a stream; the murmur of a little waterfall by my gate has
the quality of calming my emotions. The sounds of water are very
evocative; the 'plop' of a drop on a pool surface echoes in the cave;


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