Hidden Nature

(Dana P.) #1
It was very convenient for Nature to arrange that mammals and
other creatures should depend on blood. In the body, the tempera-
ture of the blood (composed 90% of water) is almost exactly the
same as the temperature of water at its point of lowest specific heat
of +37°C (+98.4°F). This means that our bodies are able to tolerate
a wide range of ambient temperatures, for a great amount of heat or
cold is required to change the temperature of water. But it also holds
on to heat well; good for body temperature and for domestic heat-
ing systems.
We are familiar with the principle that the normal temperature
of blood in the human body is +37°C (+98.4°F). A very small
change in that temperature indicates sickness. It is the same with
water and with sap. Schauberger demonstrated this to the world-
renowned hydraulicist, Professor Philipp Forchheimer by putting
some hot water into a mountain stream. The marginal rise in tem-
perature downstream caused the complex structure of the water
filaments to break down, so that a trout that they had observed
holding its station in the torrent was unable to stay, and was swept
downstream. Forchheimer was dumbfounded, because conven-
tional science does not recognize the importance of small temper-
ature differences.
If science were able to see water as possessing as well as giving
life, it would be a giant step towards the rehabilitation of water in
human society. Schauberger wrote:

Were water actually what hydrologists deem it to be — a
chemically inert substance — then a long time ago there
would already have been no water and no life in this Earth. I
regard water as the blood of the Earth. Its internal process,
while not identical to that of our blood, is nonetheless very
similar. It is this process that gives water its movement.^4

The symbol H 2 O represents pure or distilled water. Schauberger
called it 'juvenile' water, because it has no developed character or
qualities. It is raw and hungry. Like a baby, it grasps at everything
within reach. If you drink only this juvenile water, it will weaken and
eventually kill you because it leaches out the minerals and trace ele-
ments from your body. Water is mature when it is suitably enriched
with raw material, what we call 'impurities,' on which other organ-
isms depend for their energy and life.


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