the WAR of ART - by Steven Pressfield [scanned book].pdf

(Dana P.) #1



ave you ever been to a workshop? These boondoggles
are colleges of Resistance. They ought to give out
Ph.D.'s in Resistance. What better way of avoiding work
than going to a workshop? But what I hate even worse is
the word support.
Seeking support from friends and family is like
having your people gathered around at your deathbed.
It's nice, but when the ship sails, all they can do is
stand on the dock waving goodbye.
Any support we get from persons of flesh and blood
is like Monopoly money; it's not legal tender in that
sphere where we have to do our work. In fact, the more
energy we spend stoking up on support from colleagues
and loved ones, the weaker we become and the less
capable of handling our business.
My friend Carol had the following dream, at a time when
her life felt like it was careening out of control:
She was a passenger on a bus. Bruce Springsteen was
driving. Suddenly Springsteen pulled over, handed Carol the
keys, and bolted. In the dream Carol was panicking. How
could she drive this huge rolling Greyhound? By now all the

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