Social Media Marketing

(Darren Dugan) #1

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Social Graph
Social Network
Figure 11.1 A Simple Social Graph
Social Graph and Data Visualization

The social graph is the collection of links, interactions, and other connections that defi ne the activities

within a social network. Visualizing these links reveals relationships that off er insights into infl uence,

who is connected to whom, the existence of expertise or interest groups within personal networks,

and more. You can refer to this post at ReadWriteWeb for more on social graph visualization.

With the defi nition of the social graph set aside, the importance of the social
graph and its application in the business use of social media lies in its ability to simul-
taneously provide a framework for understanding the relationships that develop within
a network (as well as between networks) and to provide an effi cient description of
the way in which the participants of a given social network are connected. The social
graph and its application in business—for example, to help spot infl uencers or suggest
opportunities for collaboration—is at the heart of using social networks to their fullest
potential in driving engagement.

A Social Graph Primer

ReadWriteWeb author Alex Iskold published an article in 2007 that outlines the basic concepts

underlying the social graph and its use in business. You’ll find the post here:

Social Graph and Data Visualization

The social graph is the collection of links, interactions, and other connections that defi ne the activities

within a social network. Visualizing these links reveals relationships that off er insights into infl uence,

who is connected to whom, the existence of expertise or interest groups within personal networks,

and more. You can refer to this post at ReadWriteWeb for more on social graph visualization.

A Social Graph Primer

ReadWriteWeb author Alex Iskold published an article in 2007 that outlines the basic concepts

underlying the social graph and its use in business. You’ll find the post here:
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