Social Media Marketing

(Darren Dugan) #1


c h a p t e r

3 :




Figure 3.6 Aircel: Facebook voicemail

This kind of presence in existing social networks is welcomed as it makes sense
from the perspective of consumers. Most brands are present in all of the other places
where people spend time: on TV, on the radio, in movies (before the show and integrated
into it), in all forms of outdoor advertising, and at sports events and more. Social sites—
the new gathering place—are no exceptions. Movie studios, soft drink brands, auto
manufacturers, and more are all building “brand outposts” on Facebook, Orkut, and
other social sites because their audience spends significant time on those sites. Many of
the brands and organizations participating in the social web are coincidentally skipping
the development of dedicated product microsites and even major TV brand campaigns in
favor of a stronger presence in these social sites. As a part of your overall social business
strategy, don’t overlook the obvious: Orkut, Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Slideshare,
Delicious...all offer places where your business or organization can add value to the
larger social communities that naturally form around these social applications.

Social Business and Measurement
Before diving into the use of social media in business, consider the basic measurement
methods as they apply to the business use of social technology. Chapter 6 explores
measurement and metrics in-depth. As an initial step into the integration of metrics
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