6.86. Making use of the solution of the foregoing problem, deter-
mine the probability of the particle with energy E = U 012 to be
h 2
located in the region x > 1, if 12 U 0 T
6.87. Find the possible values of energy of a particle of mass m
located in a spherically symmetrical potential well U (r) = 0 for
r < 7. 0 and U (r) = oo for r = r 0 , in the case when the motion of
the particle is described by a wave function* (r) depending only on r.
Instruction. When solving the Schrodinger equation, make the
substitution 11) (r) = x (r)Ir.
6.88. From the conditions of the foregoing problem find:
(a) normalized eigenfunctions of the particle in the states for
which (r) depends only on r;
(b) the most probable value r
for the ground state of the particle
and the probability of the particle to be in the region r < rpr.
6.89. A particle of mass m is located in a spherically symmetrical
potential well U (r) = 0 for r < r 0 and U (r) = U 0 for r >
(a) By means of the substitution (r) = x (r)Ir find the equation
defining the proper values of energy E of the particle for E < U 0 ,
when its motion is described by a wave function (r) depending
only on r. Reduce that equation to the form
sin kro =+kro Vh 2 12mrsUo , where k.li2mElh.
(b) Calculate the value of the quantity r°U 0 at which the first
level appears.
6.90. The wave function of a particle of mass in in a unidimension-
al potential field U (x) = kx 212 has in the ground state the form
(x) = A e -coc 2 , where A is a normalization factor and a is a positive
constant. Making use of the Schrodinger equation, find the constant a
and the energy E of the particle in this state.
6.91. Find the energy of an electron of a hydrogen atom in a sta-
tionary state for which the wave function takes the form p (r)
= A (1 + ar) e -ar, where A, a, and a are constants.
6.92. The wave function of an electron of a hydrogen atom in the
ground state takes the form (r) = A e-r/ri, where A is a certain
constant, r 1 is the first Bohr radius. Find:
(a) the most probable distance between the electron and the
(b) the mean value of modulus of the Coulomb force acting on the
(c) the mean value of the potential energy of the electron in the
field of the nucleus.
6.93. Find the mean electrostatic potential produced by an
electron in the centre of a hydrogen atom if the electron is in the
ground state for which the wave function is (r) = A e -r/ri, where A
is a certain constant, r^1 is the first Bohr radius.