the shot
to enhance the surreal atmosphere and drama within the picture, we used
a directional source of light provided by our portable flash to highlight siannon’s
body, while the hard midday sunlight emphasized the depth and color in the
landscape. our medium-format bronica camera not only provides high-quality
images essential for large-scale exhibition prints but is also incredibly durable for
rugged locations such as this one. as usual, we used iso 100 color negative
film, which gives a high degree of detail, resolution, and saturation to our images.
154 pHotoGrapHers’ GaLL ery
Tough locations
Just as our models often have to suffer being
scratched, scraped, and sunburned when
working with us, we too have to deal with the
problems of outdoor photography in the
challenging australian environment.
Strangelands (South Coast)
For tHis sHot
Camera: bronica etrsi; 75mm lens
Aperture: f/22
Shutter speed: 1/60th of a second
Sensor/film speed: iso 100
Lighting: Lumedyne 400 watt portable flash
Comparing Polaroids
polaroids are an essential
feature of the shoot as they
not only provide a guide to
the composition but also
a technical assessment of
the lighting. this is a critical
element when you are
working with a combination
of strong sunlight and flash.
Sharing the images
polaroids also provide an important
dialogue with the model, as they can
immediately see what we are aiming
to achieve in the image.