232 PHoTograPHers’ gallery
behind the scenes
i chose Valentina as my model for this project because to
me she is a symbol of italian beauty. We carried out several
shoots in different locations, and for the last one of the day
i decided to use a typical italian hotel to complement her
looks. of all the locations, this was the one that worked
best for me. by that time we had spent quite a few hours
together and there was a good atmosphere between us.
i felt that taking some fine art nude portraits of her on the
bed would work well, using the simple poses which seem
to me the most beautiful as they reflect the reality of life.
14:30 I prefer my models to have a natural look, so
Valentina applies only a little makeup.
14:35 The movements of a woman undressing are
so intimate and often unconsciously tempting.
14:36 Valentina’s mother is also there to watch the
shoot take place.
14:48 Though Valentina has never posed nude
before our shoot, by now she is entirely relaxed.