the shot
What i particularly liked about Valentina’s position on the bed was the warm
color of the wooden headboard, harmonizing with the golden yellow bedspread.
i took pictures for about 10 minutes, then started walking around her, trying
different angles and poses and talking to her while i did so. i set up a single light
fitted with a 28 x 28 in (70 x 70 cm) softbox to give a gentle, warm light that
would suit the coloring of the background and of Valentina herself and took about
40 photographs of her, asking her to look at me, look down and so forth.
234 PHoTograPHers’ gallery
Changing the light
i tried to take advantage of
the natural light flooding into
the room, but after looking
at the shots i was getting i
felt that the light wasn’t
particularly flattering to my
model at the angle at which
she was sitting. i decided to
draw the curtains, which
made the vital difference.
For THis sHoT
Camera: Canon D Mark ii n; 35mm lens
Aperture: f/2.8
Shutter speed: 1/50th of a second
Sensor/film speed: iso 400
Lighting: iFF lamp continuous light, 650 watt
Finding beauty
The photographs from this
shoot are sensual rather
than erotic; they are beautiful
because of Valentina’s
eyes and the expression
on her face.
A different angle
This is an attractive pose and the light is
falling beautifully on her face but, in the end,
it was not my favorite one from the shoot