68 exploring techniques
creativity with indoor light
the easiest way to be creative with light is to use what’s
available. You don’t have to go far to find wonderful lighting
opportunities—all the images here were taken at my home.
i’m lucky that my building has lovely old windows, but
interesting plays of light can be found everywhere, you
just have to keep your eyes open and your imagination
unfettered. timing and mobility are important factors when
you are working with ephemeral lighting conditions. the
color, intensity, and direction of light shifts throughout the
day, so you have to react quickly to changes. And you must
be able to move around, to find the best angle to catch your
model in the light, to get in close, and move farther away.
Marion in the afternoon
the late afternoon sunlight, just before
sunset, falls into the room almost
horizontally. it would have been
impossible to realize these images
in the summer because the sun would
set farther north and the leaves on the
trees outside would prevent the
sunlight from entering the room
directly. the images above are
in chronological order: the first is
a classic shot with the light falling
directly onto Marion’s body creating
shadows and patterns on her skin; the
second makes use of light reflected
in a mirror behind her, while the third
shows how the sunlight changes color
just before it disappears.