lighting 71
Lighting the face
Directing the model’s face toward
the light, wherever it may be
placed, means the eyes will be
immediately visible, which helps to
make a connection with the viewer.
choose the body pose, position
the lighting to sculpt the body,
then direct the face accordingly.
Lighting from above
here the light source is above and
also slightly behind the model,
creating a mysterious, ethereal
glow which is often used in films
when angels or extraterrestrials
enter the scene.
Lighting from behind
two spotlights behind the model
are performing a different function:
the one on the right illuminates the
model’s profile while the left, weaker,
light helps to separate him from
the background.
Lighting from below right
A softbox set low and to the right
of the model gives a dramatic
and beautiful light. the model’s
expression, though it hardly
differs from the other images,
gains strength and impact.
Lighting from top left
leaving the face in shadow
creates intimate images. here the
light is thrown on the model’s torso
and shoulder, emphasizing his
strength and masculinity in spite
of his averted gaze.