Pascal Baetens. Nude Photography. The Art and The Craft. 2007

(Elle) #1









76 exploring techniques

sculpting with light & shadow

shadows give depth and interest to a two-dimensional
image. the angle of the light in relation to the camera
determines the effect on the body, with very slight changes
creating huge differences in the shadow-play. if i were in
a studio i would move the lights around; here, in the two

main images below, i am using natural light, so there is
no moveable light source. instead, i have altered the angle
of the light by altering my position. the small images at
the bottom of the page show how small variations in pose,
position, and light direction sculpt the shape of the body.

Zuri with front lighting
in this image the light is almost behind me, lighting Zuri from the front.
1 the subtle light defines the collarbone and the curve of the shoulder.
2 Fine shadow lines give the feel of a delicate pencil drawing.
3 Areas where parts of the body converge are clearly defined.
4 A slight adjustment would avoid the knee facing the camera and being overlit.

Zuri with side lighting
here, the light comes from the side, creating bolder, more dramatic shadows.
1 the dark shadows blur the boundaries between the body and the background.
2 Broad brushstrokes of shadow give the image a painterly quality.
3 Background light accentuates Zuri’s hourglass figure.
4 By adjusting my position, the knee no longer faces the camera directly.
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