Pascal Baetens. Nude Photography. The Art and The Craft. 2007

(Elle) #1
88 exploring techniques

adjusting the pose

poses shouldn’t be considered in terms of good or bad, but
rather elegant or inelegant, suited or not suited to your picture.
As a photographer you have to be able to analyze a pose
quickly. Always start with the point of impact (the feet if the
model is standing, and so on). remember that a change in

your position will change the pose visually, and that you
should also adjust the pose in relation to light direction and
image composition. thinking in terms of the atmosphere
of the image also helps. if the model “feels” the image he or
she will find an authentic-looking pose almost automatically.

Arching the back
there is one very simple way to improve
the pose if your model is lying on her
back. in the image above, paulina’s
feet are almost flat against the ground,
and so is her back. in the image on
the right i asked her to raise her knees
slightly and point her feet so that only
the toes were in contact with the floor.
immediately her back arched up,
creating a much stronger and more
shapely pose.

Kneeling position
in the first image the front foot is positioned awkwardly under her leg, which is
pointing forward, causing a foreshortening effect. the back foot is visible and
spoils the lines of the pose. the second pose is more streamlined and relaxed.

Avoiding a double chin
if your model is lying on her back, arms above her head, and looking to camera,
there is a danger that her shoulder, neck, and chin will be too close to each other.
often, just relaxing slightly and looking to the side is enough to avoid this effect.
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