Pascal Baetens. Nude Photography. The Art and The Craft. 2007

(Elle) #1
poses 95

Fran and baby
the secret of photographing
couples—here, Fran and her
unborn baby, Jade—is to define
the relationship between the two
people and let them make the
connection. the northern light falls
gently on Fran, accentuating the
emerging form as she holds her
baby in a protective pose. she
doesn’t look into the camera, as
her full attention is on her baby. in
the image on the left i was shooting
slightly downward to emphasize the
belly, whereas on the right i included
the eyes so the focus is on the
feelings of the mother.

Sofie at the window
not looking into the camera lens
is one way of retaining privacy,
especially if the eyes are kept
closed. however, if the model looks
elsewhere, make sure that the
composition gives the model
enough space to look into. i have
positioned myself a bit higher than
sofie in this sequence, looking
down on her, which enhances the
vulnerability she expresses here.
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