Pro HTML5 and CSS3 Design Patterns

(avery) #1

Nested Alignment


You want to nest alignment contexts. Nested alignment contexts are a unique layout feature
built into CSS. You will probably never need to use it. I have included this design pattern
mainly for completeness.


You can nest alignment contexts by nesting inline elements and assigning them to different
font-size values. Each nested inline element defines its own independent alignment
context based on the size of the font assigned to the element.
Fontlines define two alignment contexts for each element: the alignment context in which an
element is rendered, and the alignment context an element supplies for its children.


HTML content^


.CLASS { font-size:±em;
position:relative; }

Location This pattern works only on inline elements.


Nested alignment contexts work well as long as they stay on the same line. When a nested
alignment context is wrapped to another line, the results vary depending on the browser. In
Opera 11, there is a rendering error when vertical-align: text-bottom is used with
multiple different font sizes. The text can display outside the container.

Tip You can nest inline elements indefinitely to create as many alignment contexts as you want.


In the example, I have three alignment contexts: <div class="ac1">, <span class="ac2">,
and <span class="ac3">. Each is set to three different font sizes: 60px, 30px, and 12px,
respectively. Each font-size defines a different set of fontlines to which child elements can
align. There are six elements using the third alignment context, <span class="ac3">, and
each one is aligned to a fontline or offset from the baseline of <span class="ac2">. <span
class="ac2"> is offset from the baseline of <div class="ac1">.
Notice how ac2’s alignment context is preserved internally while it is aligned to ac1’s
alignment context externally. Internally, each inline element defines its own alignment
context to which its children can be aligned. Externally, each inline element is aligned to the
alignment context of its parent.

Related to

Vertical-Aligned Content, Vertical-Offset Content, Advanced Alignment Example; Positioned,
Relative (Chapter 7); Offset Relative (Chapter 8); Nowrap (Chapter 11)
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