Pro HTML5 and CSS3 Design Patterns

(avery) #1


Troubleshooting CSS

You can use the following steps to troubleshoot a style sheet that is not working. I listed the steps in the
order that will most likely help you find the problem quickly.

  1. Validate the HTML document. This ensures you have no syntax problems
    that may cause a browser to interpret the structure of the document differently
    than you expect. Developers can use the W3C Validation Service
    (, the W3C Unicorn Validator
    (, or one of the various browser plug-ins
    that provide markup and style validation.

  2. Validate each CSS style sheet. This ensures you have no syntax problems,
    which would cause one or more rules to be ignored.

    • Make sure a proper unit of measure (UOM) follows nonzero
      measurements and that no space occurs between the number and its UOM,
      such as 1em or 100%. (line-height is an exception; it allows a nonzero
      measurement without a UOM.)

    • Make sure only a colon (:) and optional whitespace occur between a
      property name and its value, such as width:100% or width : 100%.

    • Make sure a semicolon (;) closes each rule, such as width:100%;.

  3. Review the list of CSS parsing errors using the Error Console in Mozilla
    browsers. Browsers ignore each rule that has a parsing error, but unlike many
    other programming languages, they continue parsing and applying the
    remaining rules.

  4. Verify a selector is selecting all the elements you think it should be selecting,
    and only those elements. You can easily see the results of a selector by putting
    outline:2px solid invert; in the selector. (Note that outline does not work
    in Internet Explorer 7, but border does.)

  5. Look carefully at the cascade priority of each rule that fails to be applied.
    Cascade priority takes precedence over document order. For example,
    #myid{color:red;} takes priority over .myclass{color:blue;}, and #myid
    .myclass{color:green;} takes priority over both—no matter where they
    occur in a style sheet and no matter if they occur in a style sheet that was
    loaded before or after the current style sheet. I find this to be a common cause
    of trouble because a rule with higher cascade priority can be anywhere in any
    style sheet. Assuming you have already validated your style sheet, you can
    often tell when cascade priority is the problem when some properties in a
    selector work, but others do not—no matter what values you use. This typically
    happens when properties are being overridden by another rule with a higher
    cascade priority. You can usually verify this is the case by adding !important
    after a property. !important gives a property a higher priority than all non-
    !important properties. If !important makes a property work, you probably
    have a cascading priority problem.

  6. Verify the case of elements, classes, and IDs in the style sheet exactly
    matches their case in the HTML document. This is important because XHTML
    is case-sensitive. You may want to use lowercase values at all times to avoid
    accidental mismatches.

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