Pro HTML5 and CSS3 Design Patterns

(avery) #1


minimum and maximum content
width, 357
types and values, 357
Content-proportioned Columns
CSS, 362
HTML, 362
sized and stretched tables, 363
Equal Content-sized Columns
CSS, 370
design pattern, 371
HTML, 370
Equal-sized Columns, 372–373
fixed tables, 353
fixed width, 354
Flex Columns
auto-layout tables, 377
CSS, 376
fixed-width and percentage-width
column, 377
HTML, 376
Inverse-proportioned Columns, 368–
Mixed Column Layouts
CSS, 378
design pattern, 379
HTML, 378
percentage width, 354
Percentage-proportioned Columns,
Shrinkwrapped Columns
content-proportioned columns
design pattern, 359
CSS, 358
HTML, 358
shrinkwrapped tables, 353
sized and stretched tables, 353
Sized Columns, 360–361
Size-Proportioned Columns, 364–365
Undersized Columns, 374–375
Tables, 327–329
border-collapse and table-layout, 329
Collapsed Borders, 336–337
Hidden and Removed Cells
CSS, 340
hidden tables and rows, 341
HTML, 340

removed tables and rows, 341
text-indent, 341
Layout, 350–351
Removed and Hidden Rows and
Columns, 342–343
Row and Column Groups, 331
CSS, 330
HTML, 330
table headers and footers, 331
Separated Borders
border-collapse:separate property,
CSS, 334
HTML, 334
nonbreaking space, 335
Striped Tables
background colors, 347
CSS, 346
HTML, 346
style border and padding, 347
Styled Collapsed Borders, 338–339
Table Selectors
column cells selector, 333
CSS, 332
HTML, 332
row cells selector, 333
row group selector, 333
style cells, 333
Tabled, Rowed And Celled, 348–349
Vertical-aligned Data, 344–345
TEXT SHADOW, 212–213
Tooltip Alert, 468–469
Vertical-aligned Content, 254–255
Vertical-offset Content, 256–257
Visual Inheritance, 78
background property, 79
CSS, 78
design patterns, 79
HTML, 78
Mozilla Firefox, 78
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