Pro HTML5 and CSS3 Design Patterns

(avery) #1

li:first-child { font-weight:bold; color:red; } / First-child Selector /
li:last-child { font-weight:bold; color:red; } / Last-child Selector /
ul li:first-of-type {color: red} / First-of-type Selector /
tr > td:last-of-type / Last-of-type Selector /
li:only-child / Only-child Selector /
div:only-of-type / Only-of-type Selector /
p:empty {display: hidden} / Empty Selector /
li + li { font-style:italic; color:blue; } / Sibling Selector /

Position and Group Selectors


You want to combine selectors to narrow a selection based on element position. In other words, you want
to select elements based on whether they are descendants, children, or siblings of other elements. You also
want to apply different selectors to the same set of rules.


Combine selectors as follows:
To apply different selectors to the same group of rules, chain together multiple selectors using a
comma. This is the group selector. Each selector in the chain is independently assigned to the same set of
To select descendant elements, chain together multiple selectors using whitespace. Whitespace is the
descendant selector. Each descendant selector narrows the selection to descendants of the previous
selector. A descendant can be a child, a grandchild, a great-grandchild, and so forth.
To select child elements, chain together multiple selectors using the greater-than sign. This is the child
selector. Each child selector narrows the selection to elements that are children of the previous selector.
To select the first child element, append :first-child to any selector. This is the first-child selector.
This limits the selector only to elements that are the first child of their parents. Similarly you can use rules
like :nth-child, :nth-last-child, etc. to specify the exact position of the element.
To select sibling elements, chain together multiple selectors using the plus sign. This is the sibling
selector. Each sibling selector narrows the selection to elements that are siblings to the elements chosen
by the previous selector.

Patterns CSS

selector, selector, etc { STYLES }
or selector selector etc { STYLES }
or selector > selector > etc { STYLES }
or selector + selector + etc { STYLES }
or selector:first-child { STYLES }
Similar with the rest of the pseudo-classes

Location These design patterns apply to all elements.^

Limitations Only the group and descendant selectors work in Internet Explorer 6. All these selectors work in Internet
Explorer 7 and the other major browsers.

Example The group selector p,ol,li applies the same set of styles to all paragraphs, ordered lists, and list items.
The selector div *.my-class selects all elements assigned to my-class that descend from a division.
Only the paragraph in the third list item matches this selector. The selector #my-id p selects all
paragraphs descending from

. Only the paragraph in the third list item matches this
selector. The selector #my-id > p selects all child elements descending from
. Only
the ordered list matches this selector. The selector li:first-child selects the first list item in each list.
The selector li + li selects all list items that are siblings to list items. This selects all but the first list item.

Related to Inheritance