How to Change Your Mind

(Frankie) #1

proprietors of Erowid, which is the single most important resource on
psychedelics there is. Check it out.
For their wise, helpful, and reassuring legal counsel, I’m grateful to my
dear friend Howard Sobel and his colleague Marvin Putnam at Latham &
Watkins. I sleep much better knowing they have my back.
A long book project has a way of inflecting the emotional weather in a
family, this one perhaps more than most. Isaac, it has meant the world to
me to be able to talk through my journeys with you; I always come away
from our conversations with something smart, useful, and unexpected.
Your support, curiosity, and encouragement have made all the difference.
When I embarked on this long, strange trip, Judith wondered what it
might mean for our thirty-year-plus collaboration. Would I return
somehow changed? Never would I have imagined that after all that time
anything could bring us closer together, but there it is. Thank you for
pushing me to attempt something new, for the searching questions and
insights along the way, for the close editing of every chapter—and, most
of all, for going with me on the journey.

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