How to Change Your Mind

(Frankie) #1


The page numbers in this index refer to the printed version of this book. The link provided will
take you to the beginning of that print page. You may need to scroll forward from that location to
find the corresponding reference on your e-reader.

Note: Page numbers in italics refer to illustrations.

abuse of psychedelics, low risk of, 50
Acid Tests, 184 , 206
active placebos, psychedelics as, 159
Adamic moments, 25
addiction, 358 –75
and autobiographical narratives, 387 –88, 391
and awe-inspiring experiences, 373 –75
and ayahuasca, 369n
banality of insights after treatments, 361 –62, 363 –64
and default mode network, 387 –88
depression’s links to, 383
and ego dissolution, 271 , 366
and excess of order in brain, 313 , 329 , 385
and mental time travel, 387
and negative thinking habits, 383
Nutt’s conclusions on, 300n
and overview effect, 359 –60
and rat park experiment, 372 –73
and risks of psychedelics, 14 , 30
See also alcoholism; smoking cessation
Addiction Research Foundation in Toronto, 151
adrenaline, 146
afterglow of psychedelic experiences, 24 –25, 254
agnostics and atheists
mystical experiences of, 74 , 222 , 284 –85, 345
and value of meaning, 355
Alcoholics Anonymous (AA), 141 , 152 –53, 370
and Bill W’s psychedelic experiences, 152 –53, 370
and Hubbard’s treatment facilities, 171
LSD as treatment for, 141 , 148 –53, 368 –69, 370

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