How to Change Your Mind

(Frankie) #1

breathwork, 242 –44, 245 , 245n, 306
Brewer, Judson
and expansion/contraction of consciousness, 322 , 325
and meditation experiment, 392 –95
and quieting of default mode network, 305 , 306 , 322 , 390 –91
Bronfman, Jeffrey, 49
Bucke, R. M., 289
Buckley, Lord, 157
Buddhism, 16 , 288 , 305 , 392
Burgess, Tammy, 346
Burning Man, 83 , 184
Bush, George, 27 , 181

Caen, Herb, 204
California Institute of Integral Studies, 232 –33, 402
Canada, 147 –50, 171 , 198
cancer patient research, 331 –58
and authenticity questions, 347 –49
and birth experiences, 338 –39, 344
common themes in, 344 –46
criticisms of research, 350n
and death rehearsal process, 346
and fear of death, 8 , 79 , 336 –37, 346 –47
and fear/anxiety during treatments, 341 , 345
and flight instructions, 338 , 341
follow-up study, 351 –52
Griffiths’s landmark paper on, 10 –11, 29 –30
meaning in, 352 –55
and mystical experiences, 79 , 349 , 350 –51
at New York University, 332 –33, 337 –38
origins of, 338 –39
and Patrick Mettes, 332 , 336 , 337 –38, 340 –44, 346 –47, 356 –57
and perspective shifts of patients, 339 –40
and psycholytic LSD therapy, 159
results of, 349 –50
at Spring Grove, 218
treatment rooms in, 331 –32
and visions of death, 345 –46
volunteers’ accounts of, 351 –52
cannabis and marijuana, 36 , 37 , 138 , 138n, 204 , 299
Capture: Unraveling the Mystery of Mental Suffering (Kessler), 383
Carhart-Harris, Robin
on consciousness-expansion, 322
and depression pilot study, 329 –30, 376 –81
on disorganizing effect of psychedelics, 314 , 314n
and effect of psilocybin on brain activity, 300 –301
and Feilding, 297 , 299
and Gopnik, 323 –24
on political effects of psychedelics, 315

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