Schaum's Outline of Discrete Mathematics, Third Edition (Schaum's Outlines)

(Martin Jones) #1


for example, “paint”Grather than “color”Gwhen we are assigning colors to the vertices ofG.) The minimum
number of colors needed to paintGis called thechromatic numberofGand is denoted byχ (G).
Fig. 8-24 gives an algorithm by Welch and Powell for a coloring of a graph G. We emphasize that this
algorithm does not always yield a minimal coloring ofG.

Fig. 8-24


(a) Consider the graphGin Fig. 8-25.We use theWelch-PowellAlgorithm 8.4 to obtain a coloring ofG. Ordering
the vertices according to decreasing degrees yields the following sequence:

A 5 ,A 3 ,A 7 ,A 1 ,A 2 ,A 4 ,A 6 ,A 8

Fig. 8-25

The first color is assigned to verticesA 5 andA 1. The second color is assigned to verticesA 3 ,A 4 , andA 8.
The third color is assigned to verticesA 7 ,A 2 , andA 6. All the vertices have been assigned a color, and soG
is 3-colorable. Observe thatGis not 2-colorable since verticesA 1 ,A 2 , andA 3 , which are connected to each
other, must be assigned different colors. Accordingly,χ (G)=3.

(b) Consider the complete graphKnwithnvertices. Since every vertex is adjacent to every other vertex,Kn
requiresncolors in any coloring. Thusχ(Kn)=n.

There is no simple way to actually determine whether an arbitrary graph isn-colorable. However, the
following theorem (proved in Problem 8.19) gives a simple characterization of 2-colorable graphs.

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