(iv) implies(i) Since adding any edgee={x, y}toGproduces a cycle, the verticesxandymust already be connected
inG. HenceGis connected and by hypothesisGis cycle-free; that is,Gis a tree.
Fig. 8-45
8.14. Prove Theorem 8.6: LetGbe a finite graph withn ≥1 vertices. Then the following are equivalent.
(i)Gis a tree, (ii)Gis a cycle-free and hasn−1 edges, (iii)Gis connected and hasn−1 edges.
The proof is by induction onn. The theorem is certainly true for the graph with only one vertex and hence no edges.
That is, the theorem holds forn=1. We now assume thatn>1 and that the theorem holds for graphs with less than
(i) implies(ii) SupposeGis a tree. ThenGis cycle-free, so we only need to show thatGhasn−1 edges. By Problem
8.38,Ghas a vertex of degree 1. Deleting this vertex and its edge, we obtain a treeTwhich hasn−1 vertices.
The theorem holds forT,soThasn−2 edges. HenceGhasn−1 edges.
(ii) implies(iii) SupposeGis cycle-free and hasn−1 edges. We only need show thatGis connected. SupposeGis
disconnected and haskcomponents,T 1 ,...,Tk, which are trees since each is connected and cycle-free. SayTihas
nivertices. Noteni<n. Hence the theorem holds forTi,soTihasni−1 edges. Thus
n=n 1 +n 2 +···+nk
n− 1 =(n 1 − 1 )+(n 2 − 1 )+···+(nk− 1 )=n 1 +n 2 +···+nk−k=n−k
Hencek=1. But this contradicts the assumption thatGis disconnected and hask>1 components. HenceGis
(iii) implies(i) SupposeGis connected and hasn−1 edges. We only need to show thatGis cycle-free. SupposeG
has a cycle containing an edgee. Deletingewe obtain the graphH=G−ewhich is also connected. ButHhas
nvertices andn−2 edges, and this contradicts Problem 8.39. ThusGis cycle-free and hence is a tree.
8.15. Draw a planar representation, if possible, of the graphs (a), (b), and (c) in Fig. 8-46.
Fig. 8-46