Schaum's Outline of Discrete Mathematics, Third Edition (Schaum's Outlines)

(Martin Jones) #1


Fig. 8-49

8.19. Prove Theorem 8.11: The following are equivalent for a graphG: (i)Gis 2-colorable. (ii)Gis bipartite.
(iii) Every cycle ofGhas even length.

(i) implies(ii). SupposeGis 2-colorable. LetMbe the set of vertices painted the first color, and letNbe the set of
vertices painted the second color. ThenMandNform a bipartite partition of the vertices ofGsince neither the
vertices ofMnor the vertices ofNcan be adjacent to each other since they are of the same color.
(ii) implies(iii). SupposeGis bipartite andMandNform a bipartite partition of the vertices ofG. If a cycle begins
at a vertexuof, say,M, then it will go to a vertex ofN, and then to a vertex ofM, and then toNand so on. Hence
when the cycle returns touit must be of even length. That is, every cycle ofGwill have even length.
(iii) implies(i). Lastly, suppose every cycle ofGhas even length. We pick a vertex in each connected component and
paint it the first color, say red. We then successively paint all the vertices as follows: If a vertex is painted red,
then any vertex adjacent to it will be painted the second color, say blue. If a vertex is painted blue, then any vertex
adjacent to it will be painted red. Since every cycle has even length, no adjacent vertices will be painted the same
color. HenceGis 2-colorable, and the theorem is proved.

8.20. Prove Theorem 8.12: A planar graphGis 5-colorable.
The proof is by induction on the numberpof vertices ofG.Ifp≤5, then the theorem obviously holds. Suppose
p>5, and the theorem holds for graphs with less thanpvertices. By the preceding problem,Ghas a vertexvsuch that
deg(v)≤5. By induction, the subgraphG−vis 5-colorable. Assume one such coloring. If the vertices adjacent tov
use less than the five colors, than we simply paintvwith one of the remaining colors and obtain a 5-coloring ofG.We
are still left with the case thatvis adjacent to five vertices which are painted different colors. Say the vertices, moving
counterclockwise aboutv, arev 1 ,...,v 5 and are painted respectively by the colorsc 1 ,...,c 5. (See Fig. 8-50(a).)

Fig. 8-50

Consider now the subgraphHofGgenerated by the vertices paintedc 1 andc 3. NoteHincludesv 1 andv 3 .Ifv 1
andv 3 belong to different components ofH, then we can interchange the colorsc 1 andc 3 in the component containing
v 1 without destroying the coloring ofG−v. Thenv 1 andv 3 are painted byc 3 ,c 1 can be chosen to paintv, and we
have a 5-coloring ofG. On the other hand, supposev 1 andv 3 are in the same component ofH. Then there is a path
Pfromv 1 tov 3 whose vertices are painted eitherc 1 orc 3. The pathPtogether with the edges{v, v 1 }and{v, v 3 }form
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